This page gives you an opportunity to explore a range of resources.
Father Denis Edwards is an internationally renowned ecological theologian and, in the video below, he shares his insights about Laudato Si and our call as educators in the Catholic system.

EfS in the Archdiocese of Melbourne Document
Education for Sustainability in the Archdiocese of Melbourne is a document produced by educators, and feedback during its production considered that its great strength was the placement of education for sustainability in a Catholic context. It acknowledges and supports the very good work in Catholic social teaching that is already happening in schools and encourages those just starting out on their sustainability journey. For the purpose of this session, I would like you to read Pages 1-8.

Horizons of Hope
This link takes you to the Horizons of Hope framework documents. The Horizons of Hope, the new education framework for the Archdiocese of Melbourne supports Catholic school communities to engage in dialogue about the distinctive nature of learning and teaching, leading learning, and enhancing Catholic identity in our schools. Most specifically, I would like you to explore pages 12 & 13 of the Religious Dimension document to help inform your forum response relating to ecological conversion but you are most welcome to reference all of them as they all speak to our call to ecological conversion as Catholic educators.

Caritas Resources
Caritas Australia provide any resources to support teaching and learning about care for creation.
These resources include:
- Caring for Creation- See, Judge, Act lessons for primary, secondary and parish
- Laudato Siβ goals presentation and accompanying activities for primary, secondary and parish
- Reflection Guide for Integral Ecology
- Laudato Siβ Reflection
- Laudato Siβ Reflection Cards
- Laudato Siβ Week Nature Based Activities
- Season of Creation Prayer Resources
- Integral Ecology Framework