Taking Action
For your final assessment, consider what opportunities you might provide your students to reflect on their relationship with creation and the messages of Laudato Si?
Some activities you could consider which could be undertaken at home or school include:
providing a prayer or meditation and asking to students to go out into nature to read and reflect
providing stimulus material (e.g video clips) and asking students to reflect on their role in caring for creation
Asking students to consider what actions that can take within their homes e.g. a waste, water or energy audit or create a garden in their backyard
Creating a plan for action within the classroom. A class charter, an action plan, a waste routine etc.
Providing a collaborative space for students to share their ecological actions with each other etc….

Final Certificate of Learning
To receive your final certificate of learning for this course, you will need to have completed the following:
Forum responses for sessions 1, 2, 3 & 4
Final reflection (detailed above)
Completion of survey on the final evaluation page of this course
Once all of these things are completed, you will receive a certificate of completion.
You are very welcome to use these resources to instigate conversation and action within your school communities.